About Hawra’a Rahma


Hawra’a Hassan is an  interior designer, a graduate from Zayed University, doing Masters in International Business, in Wollongong University. Hawra’a has experienced many types of art outside her field of major such as Typography, Photography, Printmaking, Drawing, Painting, and Graphic Design. She is a 20 years old interior designer who is capable of using different techniques of designing and managing spaces. In addition she designed a kiosk for a magazine and designed some interior spaces for small houses. She has also taken some courses outside art like Photojournalism and International Studies.  Hawra’a’s individual work outside University is painting.

Artist Statement 

My artwork is spontaneous it is based on my mood and emotions. When I work I lose the sense of sadness, but I have realized that I unconsciously put some of my sadness into my art. I love experimenting with all styles of art I prefer not to have only one kind of style, although I try to put my own touches on each style. My painting just goes on I don’t allow my brain or my conscious thought to interrupt the flow. My fields of interest encompass drawings, paintings, graphics, interiors, and photography and write stories.

 I love to create abstract work because abstract work shows your personality and your thinking and how do you see things through your art. I see my art as creating an adventure for the viewer; I want them to go on a journey that searches for the meaning of my work. Abstract art does not have limits and I love going beyond limits.  I love mysterious art and I like it when people take the time while they are looking at my work to really think about what I did, what was my idea and why I did it and the beauty of my art, just like the artist Georgia O’Keefe, she paints the beauty and the small details of flowers to give a chance for busy people to have a close look at the beauty of nature.

 I enjoy a spontaneous work process because by being spontaneous I can fit in more and express my feelings. My idea begins with one thought and then develops into an artwork, and if I am confused I try out some sketches to light me up and inspire me to go on with my art.

Hawraa Hassan’s Portfolio